During the start of the Covid pandemic, Code42 launched the Insider Risk Summit, a yearly virtual event for security experts and practitioners, partnering with 10 other security giants such as CrowdStrike, Exabeam, and Sumo Logic. These items were part of a specially branded swag kit shipped directly to partners.

My favorite gig—sock designer.

An internal t-shirt to celebrate the launch of Code42's new product, Incydr.

This plinko board is a 5-foot-tall game designed to engage trade show goers. When a player drops the plinko chip at the top, it shows how sensitive files can travel out of a secure perimeter thanks to many modern exfiltration vectors like thumb drives, departing employees, or an employee's personal cloud storage.

Using our brand iconography and styled portraits of the executive team, I worked with the sales enablement team to riff of the game Clue for some investigative fun during our internal annual kickoff. The team paired this 2"x4" printed game with in-presentation video clues throughout the week-long event.